Media Consulting
At last the age of portraying sex workers in media without consulting the experts of their own experience is over!
Any representation of sex work should include the voice of sex workers.
If your work in panel speaking, image-making, mass media or entertainment touches on themes of sex work, porn and sexuality beyond the hetero-normative vanilla, it will pay off in authenticity, believability, freshness and fan loyalty to consult with a professional with lived experience in the industry/community. #nothingaboutuswithoutus !
Sadie Lune is an experienced consultant for screenwriters, filmmakers, journalists, photographers, performers, writers, illustrators and students on the topics of Sex Work, Porn, Queer Love, Gender, BDSM, Radical Parenting and Polyamory. She is available for for consulting (pre-production and onset) and writing jobs for Film, TV, Webseries, Theater and other projects that want to include aspects of sexuality outside of the mainstream with authenticity and care towards the actual folks living these lives. She also works with experienced filmmakers who have limited experience shooting explicit work to create a successful concept and set atmosphere that takes into account all of the special considerations specific to working with performers doing live sex.